Saturday, September 27, 2008

For anyone with advise!!!!!

So I have recently become a runner. I have always been able to run short distance but never long. For ten weeks now I have been going to boot camp. I hated it at first, but now it is an addiction!!! For six out of the ten weeks I have had a pain on both sides of my shins on both legs! I have been told I have shin splints and the only way to heal them is to stop running!!! Well I refuse to do so!!! So I am asking all you runners out there if anyone knows of something I can do. A fabulous drug I can take.... Anything!! I am at the point that I will try just about anything!!


Contact said...

Oh I am so jealous you are running! I love running. I miss it so much! It really is an addition. I always ran through mine and a lot of runners I know say they go away. Just make sure you take Ibprofen to reduce swelling before you run and ice it after you run. It really should go away. I know there are lots of people that will say to stop running completely though.

whitney holland. said...

I totally feel your pain. When I was training for a marathon I got shin splits the frist month of so of training...and I wanted to DIE! The eventually went away though. I think you need a REALLY good pair of shoes. As soon as I switched shoes I never had them again. Good luck!

Elise said...

Running is the best! Shin splints are the worst though. The first thing I would do is get a new pair of shoes, it makes a huge difference! Try stretching them before and after you run, do heel walks or band stretches. Ice and ibprofen will help, but whitney and jenny already said all those things.
When you're running try striking on your forefoot more than your heel, that heavy heel strike is what causes the shin splints.
Good luck! I'm jealous, I haven't been able to run since I broke a bone in my foot way back in November!! It's killing me!

Cory and Becca said...

Julie! Hi! it is Jenny penny's sister. I love your blog and your kiddos are adorable! I LOVE running and have been running for a few years now. Last year I ran my first marathon. I am training to run the NYC marathon next year. As a runner I find these are MUST HAVES/DO'S for success:
1. Good shoes--go to a running store to have them properly fit for your running gait. This makes a huge difference. (I learned it the hard way) There is an awesome running store in Layton. They fit me in my first shoes at
2. ibprofen-keep muscle inflammation down-a must for long runs.
3. THE STICK--recommended to me by a Sports therapy Doctor when I was training for the marathon. It is amazing!! And works wonders on shin splints! Here is some info here: Use it before and after a run.
4. ICE ICE ICE. I get styrofoam cups filled with water and freeze them. Peel off the top edge and rub ice on sore muscles for 5 minutes after a run--this helps BIG time!!
5. Stretching before and after...reduces muscle inflammation and tension and elongates the muscle for more efficient feel-good runs.

Cory and Becca said...

oh..yea..there are several sizes of THE STICK..I got the red travel really don't need a bigger one. You can call any local physical therapy place to see if they have one you can pick up local if you don't want to wait for online delivery

Bethany said...

STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH!!! When I first started running I used to get those a ton and I hated it! Make sure you stretch really good before and after you run. You also may want to invest in some good running shoes. If they get really bad you could try icing them. I think that is awesome you are running. Keep it up and hopefully your shins will get better. If you need to take a brake from running and bike for a while to let them heal a bit.